Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School

5MRKK Trip To Avebury
On Thursday 21st September 2023, 5MRKK had a wonderful school trip to Avebury as part of their topic on the Neolithics. The children enjoyed seeing, touching and drawing sketches of the stones they saw, as part of their Art topic. A great day was enjoyed by all.
Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School

Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Road
Telephone: 01793 535033
Email: admin@lethbridge.bluekitetrust.org
The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust

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