Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Eco Council
Our 2024 - 2025 Eco Warriors
Lethbridge Primary School

Lethbridge Primary School
We have earned the Eco Schools international accreditation which recognises how we are working hard to make Lethbridge more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in our pupils. Eco-Schools is an international education programme that prompts young people to explore sustainability and climate change and take action.
Environmental Review 2024-2025
Action Plan 2024-2025
Our Eco Code
See the code here
Lethbridge Primary School
Could you be walking, scooting or cycling to school?
5 minute walk zone
Lethbridge Primary School

The importance of biodiversity is taught through many different topics across all phase groups (e.g. Percy the Park Keeper, Wild Watch, Antarctica) and relates to many science lessons about plants and animals. The children enjoy looking at nature in our local area through walks and nature hunts. They also enjoy using our Forest School area which contains the children's bug hotels and bird feeders and is an area in which we have filmed badges and foxes. We have flower pots around the school and have benefitted from receiving bulbs from Bulbs4Kids, which Outdoor Club have enjoyed planting.

We are delighted that we have solar panels which are a renewable source of energy. Eco warriors monitor our general energy use by checking that lights and projectors are turned off when not needed. They remind people to close/open doors as appropriate for the weather and they monitor whether the windows are open to check that our thermostat is at the correct temperature. We use graphs to compare our energy use year on year, broken down into individual months.
Our energy tips

Global Citizenship
As well as valuing the animals and plants of the world, Lethbridge Primary School is conscious of it responsibility to help safeguard the welfare of people around the globe. Fairtrade fortnight has a high profile in our school, particularly through our KS1 chocolate topic. We also join in enthusiastically with charitable events such as Red Nose Day and Sports Relief. Children are kept aware of global news through First News and Expresso News.

Healthy Living
We have achieved the Healthy Schools award. Eco living and being a healthy school go hand in hand. Lethbridge Primary School has separate Healthy School Reps and at times we work in conjunction with them - please take a look at their separate page.

Whilst the children generally make good use of the bins on the playground, litter can get blown in so we do litter picking every week. We have a number of litter pickers. When the weather gets better, so it is not too wet underfoot, we also do regular litter picking on the 'Rec'. This is closely supervised by staff but it is great for children to take some responsibility for the community's environment. It also enables our school to make better use of this green area for PE and other outdoor learning.

As we are keen to protect marine life we have tried to reduce our use of single use plastic. We encourage children to have reusable water bottles and our eco warriors have banned plastic straws. We have also changed our reading prizes so that we no longer have 'throw away' toys and are continuing to look at ways to reduce our use of plastic. Through litter picking we try to reduce the amount of plastic that gets into our waterways. The importance of marine conservation is taught through topics such as 'Wish you were Here' (a topic based on the seaside), Splash and Antarctica.

School Grounds
We are always looking at ways in which we can improve our school grounds, from refreshing playground markings and planting bulbs to updating indoor fixtures. Lethbridge Primary School has a seperate School Council who often take responsibility for this area - please take a look at their page. Eco Warriors also liaise with our school caretaker when we see improvements that can be made readily (e.g. new draught excluder, stopping a dripping tap).

Children are encouraged to walk, cycle or scooter to school. There is an area to store bikes and scooters at the front of the school which is locked during school hours. Each year, we join in with Walk to School Week. Year 5 children partake in Bikeability training. We teach children about global warming and pollution.

At Lethbridge we try to recycle as much as possible. All classrooms and most other areas have a dry, mixed waste bin to recycle paper, card, plastic and cans. We also recycle photocopier/printer ink cartridges and batteries. We regularly collect old clothes for bags2school and from time to time hold second-hand school uniform stalls. All food waste from school dinners is put down our food waste disposal unit, as is the food waste collected in the staff room and KS1 playground.

Water Butts can be found in EYFS to aid water play. We try to limit water waste by having taps that push on and turn off automatically in all areas other than in kitchens and classrooms.

Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Road
Telephone: 01793 535033
Email: admin@lethbridge.bluekitetrust.org
The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust

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